How should players conduct themselves at CO Elevation FC?

As a CO Elevation FC Soccer Academy player and member of the organization, I aspire to be a model citizen and respected member of my community. 

I pledge to be an ethical leader of integrity in my actions, words and deeds. I pledge to always and foremost portray a person of quality character, to apply myself to becoming the best daughter, sibling, student, and friend that I can be, both on and off the field and to treat all others with dignity and respect. 

I pledge to give 100% effort to my education and school community at all times and family commitments. I understand that playing Soccer is a privilege that I musts earn. 

I subscribe and agree to the following code of conduct as well as CSA policies at all times...

How can I best serve my child, their team and their coach on the CO Elevation FC sidelines?

One of the most rewarding things in parenting is watching your child develop and compete in life and in sports. We feel that competition in soccer can prepare players of all levels to “compete” and succeed in life. 

How we as parents and fans “show up” on the sidelines are part of not only the development of our Academy players, but also says a lot about us as parents. We want our coaches to worry about their players, not parents. The players should enjoy their experience, especially on game day, and not have adults interfere with their games in a negative manner. 

As a parent/legal guardian of a child involved with the CO Elevation FC Club, I agree to abide by and follow these rules and guidelines as well as CSA policies and procedures but not limited to...

How can I return from injury and play for CO Elevation FC again?

Clearance may only be given by a Medical Doctor (MD), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP), Physician’s Assistant (PA) or Physical Therapist depending on the injury. If the athlete was evaluated for a head injury and possible concussion, you certify that you are trained in the evaluation and management of concussion.

Please return this form or other documentation from the medical provider to your coach, Eric Krell or Marc Ashouri.

What are CO Elevation FC's team travel procedures?

The purpose of travel tournaments is to provide teams the opportunity to compete against different competitive teams and to aid in the maturity and comradery of the players as individuals and as a team. Travel tournaments also aide to provide exposure for the team and individual players on the college, regional, and national levels. 

The purpose of the trip is to play higher level competitive soccer. It is imperative that the players and families understand that players need to be mentally and physically prepared. The pre-tournament environment should encourage team unity and focus on soccer. 

The team should act like a team not only on the field, but also off, guided by club’s Player Code of Conduct...

What are CO Elevation FC's procedures regarding weather?

Environmental conditions can significantly impact player health and safety. Extreme temperatures, severe weather, and the integrity of the playing field and its equipment all impact players’ ability to practice and compete safely...

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