College Advisory Program

CAP favors a growth mindset vs a results mindset, plots development toward a player’s next level as an athlete, student, and person.  Student athletes arrive at a more well-rounded “success” if they focus on long-arc, growth-mindset orientation rather than results-oriented approach (win at all costs, Division 1 or bust, exclusive pro career focus).

This program sets general athletic, scholastic, and personal development destinations for one to aim for, adjust, and apply as they journey from roughly 12 years old to 32 years old. As we help players chart their pathways, we establish programming that creates “push-pin” moments on their “map” of athletic, social, and academic aspirations on their journey.

Below are push pin groups and suggested athletic, social, and academic programming. 

  • 1. Pre-5th Grades: love of game and scholastic passion

    Athletic enjoyment and academic excitement. 

  • 2. 6th Grade: skill acquisition and scholastic foundation

    Technical Consistency and school+life balance.

  • 3. 7th & 8th Grades: skill advancement and intellectual/emotional foundation

    Technical SOP and social+community balance.

  • 4. 9th & 10th Grades: functional attention and collegiate exploration (CAP 1)

    Situational development and 21-Targets (college options).

  • 5. 11th Grade: positional awareness and collegiate targeting (CAP 2)

    Postion-specific refinement and 12-Targets (acad fit / athl+acad fit / athl fit).

  • 6. 12th Grade: tactical actions and collegiate narrowing (CAP 3)

    Team-asset advancement  and 6-9 Targets (established relationship & comms).

  • 7. College in-session: ten-month action(s) and student/athlete balance

    Athletic roles & goals and one-month inventories.

  • 8. College winter/summer: athletic development and non-athletic advancement

    Seasonal athletic periodization and mental regen/re-vision.

  • 9. 12+: ten-month action(s) and player/person pathway(s)

    Three College alternatives and three-month inventories.

  • 10. Post-College: 10-year plan

    Self-driven markers and 360-view.

CAP Push-Pin Events

Correlated to Above Numbers

Group 1 & 2

 Once every 6 months

Group 3, 4 & 5

Once every 4 months

Group 6 & 7

Once a month

Group 8 & 9

Once every 4 months

Group 10

Once every 6 months

Group Workshop & Individual Workbook Topics

Destination vs Goals

  • What do you want?
  • Why do you want it?
  • How do you get it?
  • Growth Mindset vs Goal Mindset
  • Long-Arc Mapping


  • Where to arrive in 9-10 months?
  • When to start whiteboarding?
  • When to start planning?
  • When to survey?
  • When to act?
  • When it’s “too late” and when “it’s never too late?"

Leading, Assisting & Partnering

  • Whose “good old days?”
  • Whose future?
  • Leading
  • Assisting
  • Partnering


  • You
  • Family
  • School
  • Club
  • Supplemental 

Contact Us

Questions about our CAP program? Contact Ryan McGee.

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