CO Elevation FC

Started as parent coaches in 2015, presently flourishing as parent partners.


Our program accomplishes our mission by having amazing parent support and coach relationships, creating a fun and positive learning environment while establishing the highest level of experienced coaching, training and pathways for all player aspirations.


Our club was founded in 2015 as Sugar and Spice Academy, a small recreational team with families looking for better youth soccer experiences. To this day, we have had original players either graduate with us, still play with our teams and or still have a sibling playing at our club. Our history stretches amongst the relationships of one family to another.


CO Elevation FC strives to develop youth athletes by promoting high level personal confidence, physical fitness and agility, individual skills, teamwork, and emotional growth.


We value players as more than just a number on the field. We take the time to build relationships with all families that come to us so we can create opportunities relevant to the player's goals, development level and current capacity where they can learn to become great student athletes, friends and employees in their future endeavors. It's not just a game to us, we want to build strong characteristics for all athletes during their time with us.

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