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2024 Лагерь Леванте UD

Высотный комплекс. 24-28 июня. Международный лагерь.



Любой игрок, родившийся в период с 2006 по 2017 год рождения.

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24-26 июня

    U8-U10 (2015-2017)Только утренняя группаU11-U12 (2013-2014)Утренняя группаДневная группаU13 (2012)Утренняя группаДневная группаU14 (2011)Утренняя группаДневная группа

26-28 июня

    U15–U19 (2006–2010) Только дневные занятия 26 июня. Только утренние занятия 27 и 28 июня.


    Леванте UD ТренерыДиректора по подъему и тренеры


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Закрытие регистрации: 17.06.2024

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Есть еще вопросы?

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  • Who can attend?

    Any player born between 2006-2017 birth years.

  • What times are the morning groups?

    The morning groups' sessions are 8:30 AM - 10 AM & 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM.

  • What times are the afternoon groups?

    The afternoon groups' sessions are 1 PM - 2:30 PM & 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM.

  • How old does my player need to be in order to be selected for the Levante trip in 2024?

    Players selected are within the U13-U19 pool. Any players in the U8-U12 age groups cannot be selected at this time, but can benefit from training with the professional Levante coaches.

  • How many players could be selected from this camp for the next Levante trip?

    Depends on the recognition of players by Daniel Pastor Tort and the Levante coaches.

  • Why are there limited spots?

    This was determined and agreed upon by the Levante and Elevation coaches to make sure players are receiving quality attention and time with the Levante staff. We will not make any special accommodations for any players as they will need to attend their appropriate age group training if available during registration.

  • Can the price be adjusted per my player's availability during their age group dates and time slots?

    No, we cannot make special accommodations for players' individual schedules. We advertise and promote this event early on to allow families to plan around the camp days and times. Should you have a conflict, you need to discuss as a family how to make the specified camp age group schedule work.

  • Do I have to register?

    Yes, due to the limited spots available per age group. We will not accept any walk-ons. Any walk-ons, will be turned away. We want a fair opportunity for those who have taken the time to register and plan for this event.

  • Can I register now and pay later?

    Due to limited spots, we cannot hold spots for payment later. To guarantee your spot, you need to pay and register at time of registration.

  • How will I be notified if my player was selected to travel to Valencia, Spain in the later part of 2024?

    The club will reach out to selected players as soon as Daniel and Levante have expressed their interests in certain players. This could be during the camp itself, take a few days or take up to a week since camp attendance.

  • If my player is not selected for this year's trip, is there potential for another opportunity next year?

    Yes. CO Elevation FC will work on providing another opportunity like this next year.

  • Can we register even if we are only interested in training with Spain coaches and not too concerned with being selected for the international training opportunity?

    Yes. With the younger age groups, training with the Spain coaches should be an appealing aspect of the camp and should be taken advantage of considering the opportunity is fresh from overseas. For those who are older, yes the opportunity to be selected may still be there, but getting quality training from Levante UD Spain coaches is the added benefit.

  • My player plays up a year in Colorado league. Can they register with their team?

    No. Your player has to register for their appropriate age group based on their birth year. This is not a team participation, this falls on individual participation should they be selected by the Levante staff for the November Spain trip or be able to compete and stand out in their age group.

  • What's included in the camp cost?

    We take special consideration of what families are paying for when attending this camp. Understand there are multiple factors at play here and the best benefit of this camp is the opportunity to train with professional Levante coaches and possibly be selected for an international opportunity. Players will receive a customized Levante Camp jersey and certificate (MVP selection or player participation). Elevation coaches will benefit in developing under guidance of the Spain coaches.

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